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Why Do Cats Bury Their Poop?

Dogs bury bones, cats bury poop. Hiding waste is a natural feline instinct , but it’s not just because cats are obsessed with cleanliness.

New Mars image from rover landing site shows the red planet in high definition

New Mars image from rover landing site shows the red planet in high definition

The Perseverance rover has had a chance to settle in on Mars since landing last Thursday, so it’s doing what every new resident does these days — sending back photos of its new home.In this case, it’s a steady stream of amazing imagery from another planet.The rover’s Mastcam-Z instrument, a pair of zoomable color cameras, returned 142 images of…

Windows 10 spring 2021 update: Everything to know

Microsoft has confirmed its latest update, Windows 10 version 21H1. Here’s what we’re expecting, and why it could set the stage for a major Windows 10 shift. Microsoft has confirmed that its latest Windows 10 update, version 21H1, will arrive in the spring of this year, first in a tech community post Monday and in a more…

NBA 2K21 comes with a price bump for next-gen consoles

The Mamba Edition includes in-game currency, a few player perks, and cross-generation upgrade Your hard earned dollar: With next-gen consoles right around the corner, some game publishers with soon to be released titles are trying to ease the transition by offering free upgrades to the newer hardware. It’s a nice gesture and a way to get players…


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Podcast by Socrates

“Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
